Vedic Astrology is a highly predictive system which enables one to evaluate upcoming conditions in life, and if they are considered to be negative, to alter
them. In Vedic philosophy, whatever conditions one is presently experiencing in one’s life be it good or bad (happiness, unhappiness,
success, failure, pleasure, pain, prosperity, adversity…), is the result of one’s own past action or karma. Remedies are actions undertaken to
counteract past negative karma or to create positive karma for the future. A few of the categories for which remedies can be performed to correct,
restore, or alleviate unfavorable conditions include wealth, having children, removal of obstacles, family, happiness, and marriage. On a
final note, remedies are commonly used in India, and have withstood the test of time. Regarding proof of their power, it is up to the reader to
test these practices and draw conclusions based on their experiences!
A planet which is generally weak should be strengthened. We should be careful in strengthening naturally maleific planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
Beside strengthening weak planets in a horoscope it is often helpful to strengthen the planets which rule 1st, 9th, 10th house. When strengthened they increase the positive effects of
the chart.We can strengthen a horoscope by recommending gems or mantras (puja).In the use of gems,the quality, purity of the gem is the main factor. Gems should be of good quality and
without flaw.
The Sun
A weak Sun is evidenced by the Sun being in its debility(Libra), or in an inimical sign (like those of Saturn); in difficult houses (like the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth); or
under malefic aspect (like those of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu). Ketu’s aspect or close conjunction is particularly difficult.
The main gemstone for the Sun is ruby. It should be a minimum of two carats in size. It should be set in gold of fourteen carats or more, and worn on the ring finger of the right hand. It
should be a good quality, without flaws and transparent.As a substitute, garnet can be used, but it should be of at least three carats in size, preferably five. A large garnet pendant, or strand
of garnet, can be worn around the neck.These gems should be put on first on a Sunday, preferably at the rising of the Sun, particularly when the Sun is
strong, as when in its own sign or exalted (also good is in Sagittarius).
The Moon
The Moon is weak when waning, particularly when new; when in its fall (in Scorpio); when aspected by malefic planets (like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, or Mars); or when
placed in difficult houses (like the Sixth, Eight or Twelfth). The aspects of Rahu and Saturn are the most difficult, particularly if not compensated by
an aspect from Jupiter or Jupiter’s location in an angle from the Moon.The Moon is generally a benefic planet, but specifically so for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Ascendants. For
these Ascendants, wearing gems for the Moon can increase its positive powers.
Gemstone for the Moon is a pearl. It should be of at least two carats in size, set in silver, and worn on the ring finger of the left(or right) hand. Natural pearls are preferable. Cultured pearls can
be used as substitutes, as can moonstone, but these should be larger in size, three or five carats, or worn as large pendants or
strands.Such gems should be put on first on a Monday, when the Moon is waxing, preferably when full, and in good signs
like Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, or in friendly signs, and not conjunct or strongly aspected by malefics.
Mars is weak when in its fall (Cancer); when aspected by malefies (like Saturn and Rahu); when combust; and when in difficult houses
for it the Fifth, Eight, Ninth and Twelfth.Mars is generally a benefic planet for Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces Ascendants, and is usually good for
Aries and Scorpio and well. Here its positive qualities like energy and insight can be improved, even if it is not weak.
The main gem for Mars is a red coral. It should be at least three carats in size, set in silver, or combination of gold and
copper, and worn on the index or ring finger of the right hand. As it is a common and not too expensive gemstone, no substitutes are required; though
carnelian can be used in this respect (generally as a large pendant). Pink coral can also be used, and has a more balancing or subduing, but less strengthening affect on Mars
energy then the red.Such gems should be put on first on a Tuesday, when the Moon is waxing, preferably when Mars is in its own sign
or exalted. Friendly signs, particularly those of Jupiter, are also good.
Mercury is weakened by aspects from malefics (like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, the Sun, and Mars); by being in its fall (Pisces); and by residency in
difficult houses the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth. Mercury is a generally benefic planet for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius Ascendants. For
such charts, we can apply the remedies for Mercury to increase the higher Mercury qualities like discrimination, intelligence and power of
The main gem for Mercury is an emerald. It should be at least one and half carats in size, set in gold, and worn on the middle finger of the right or left hand. Sometimes it is recommended
to be worn on the little finger, as it is the finger of Mercury. Substitutes are peridot, jade, green zircon, or green tourmaline. Such gems can also be worn as pendants or
strands, hanging down to the region of the neck. As rings, they should be at least three carats in size; as pendants, five.
They should be put on first on a Wednesday, when the Moon is waxing, and preferably when Mercury is strong, in friendly signs, its own sign or exalted.
Jupiter is weak when in its fall (Capricorn); when aspected by malefics (Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Mars); and when in difficult houses (the Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth).
Jupiter is a generally benefic planet for Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces Ascendants. For these signs, means of strengthening Jupiter will aid in increasing its
positive qualities of joy, creativity and intelligence, even if they are not lacking in the nature.
The main gem for Jupiter is a yellow sapphire. It should be set in gold, and worn on the index finger of the right hand. It should be at least two carats in size.
Yellow topaz is a substitute of almost equal energy. Citrine is a weaker one, and should be worn as a large ring(five carats), a pendant or strand, Yellow zircon can also be used.
Such gems should be put on first on a Thursday, preferably when the Moon is waxing, and when Jupiter is in its own sign, exalted or in a friendly sign. It is best if Jupiter is conjunct
with, or in an angle from the Moon.
Venus is weak when in its fall(Virgo); when aspected by malefics (the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu); and when in difficult houses (like the Sixth and
Eighth).Venus is a generally benefic planet for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius Ascendants, particularly for Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants, particularly for
Capricorn and Aquarius. For these, such remedial measures for Venus will increase her higher powers like devotion, joy and creativity.
The main gem for Venus is diamond. It should at least one carat in size, set in gold or white gold, and worn on the middle finger of the left or
right hand.Substitutes are clear zircon (at least three carats) or quartz crystal. The latter is better used as pendants (at
least five carats in size, preferably ten), or in strands.Such gems should be worn on a Friday, when the Moon is waxing, preferably when Venus is exalted, in its
own sign or friendly signs (like those of Mercury and Saturn), and not too close to the Sun(more than ten degrees away).
Saturn is weak when in its full (Aries); when aspected by malefics (the Sun, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu); and when in difficult houses (the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Twelfth).
Saturn is a generally benefic planet for Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants, particularly Taurus and Libra. For these, gems for Saturn will increase better Saturnian
qualities like objectivity, detachment, independence and authority, even when not weak in the chart.
The main gem for Saturn is a blue sapphire.It should be at least two carats in size, set in gold, and worn on the middle finger of the right or left hand.
Substitutes are lapis lazuli, malachite or amethyst, which should be used in large size (three or five carats) or as pendant or strand.
Such gems should be put on first on a Saturday, when the Moon is waxing, when Saturn is benefic and well-placed, preferably aspected by Jupiter. It is often good to wear an additional gem
with them of a friendly benefic like Venus, Jupiter or Mercury.
Such are the location of Rahu in difficult houses (the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, or Twelfth); the planet ruling Rahu should also
be weak, in its fall, combust, or poorly aspected; aspects to Rahu of malefics(Saturn, Sun and Mars) can contribute.
When Rahu is in strong houses like the Tenth and its lord is benefic and strong, it can be good to wear gems for Rahu to increase its positive powers like the capacity to influence
society in a benefic way.
The main gem for Rahu is a hessonite garnet (Gomedha). There are two main varieties; one cinnamon in color, the other golden.
Other golden grossularite garnets can be used as substitutes. They should be at least three carats in size, set in gold or silver, and worn on the middle finger of the right or left
hand. (Sometimes they are recommended to be worn on the finger of the planet that rules Rahu). Darker red or opaque garnets should usually not be used, as these increase the negative (eclipse-causing) power of Rahu.
Such gems should be put on first when the Moon is waxing, on a Saturday, or the day of the planet which rules it in the chart. Rahu should be in favorable signs or those favorable to the planet which rules it.
Ketu is weak when the planet which rules the sign that Ketu is positioned is weak; when Ketu is in difficult houses (like the Third, Sixth or Eighth); or when it is aspected by malefics
(like Saturn and Mars).When Ketu is strong, when it is with a benefic planet in its own sign or exalted, or when it is in the Twelfth house and not aspected by malefics, gems for Ketu can be worn to increase
its higher qualities of knowledge, insight and concentration.
The gems for Ketu is a cat’s eye (chrysoberyl family). It should be at least three carats in size and is preferably set in gold. It should be worn on the middle finger
of the right hand generally, though again, like Rahu, it may be worn on the finger of the hand of the planet which rules it in the chart.
Quartz cat’s eye can be used as substitute. They should be put on first on a Saturday, or on the day of the planet which rules Ketu, when the Moon is waxing, or when Ketu is in
favorable signs or those favorable to the planet which rules it.